
Publication and Communication Commission|Mission

Feb 20, 2010

PCC is strongly committed to conceiving international forums for display and promotion of the publishing industry dedicated to theatre design, production and technology. It is our shared belief that the 21st century demands innovative ways of exchange of professional information. Valuable OISTAT-related events like the PQ(Prague Quadrennial), WSD(World Stage Design) or USITT annual conventions should be used as a rare opportunity for presentation of the worldwide multimedia publishing and Interned based projects, as well as traditional printed media (books, magazines, exhibition catalogues etc.) New Theatre Words and the new OISTAT initiative, Digital Theatre Words, are excellent examples of the value of collaborative work, of great benefit and significance to the ‘global’ theatre community. Although with modest resources, we are also trying to assist the OISTAT Headquarters in updating the OISTAT web site to become a valuable database of relevant information and a ‘must see’ web destination for all theatre professionals.

Publication and Communication Commission

PCC Interim Chair  Belgrade, 21 February 2010